Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Alphabet Project

Letter Project

First 5- Due 10/14
Second 5- Due 10/17

Challenge: Find an example of EACH letter in the alphabet from a to z (26 total letters).


You will be creating a phrase or word that consists of AT LEAST 10 letters. If your word or phrase contains a repeated letter, you will need to find those additional letters. For example, if your phrase contains four a’s, you will need to find an additional 3 letter a’s.


Upon return from spring break, you will need to print out a contact sheet with all letters. We will combine them in class to create your phrase. We will be matting these so do a good job.



No street sign or common building sign letters may be used (no stop signs or McDonald’s signs may be used).

You are allowed to turn your camera / image in any direction (you can tilt a building image on it’s side to get a letter).

Spaces do not count as one of the ten letters.



Think of perspective and distance. Sometimes when a photo is taken at a different angle, it changes how something looks.


What is your Phrase: ______________________________________________________ 



______ / 26+ Student turned in all letters

______/ 24    Student turned in contact sheet (staple to this sheet)

______/ 20    Student picked a phrase  that was at least 10 letters long

______/ 50    Images are well composed and in focus.

______/20    Student matted project correctly.



______/ 140 project total


You must attach this sheet to your final project to receive full credit.

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