Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welcome to Photography 1!

Due Dates:
Binder and Syllabus with Inserts Due MONDAY!
Hand Towel and Jump Drive Due FRIDAY!

Course Syllabus

Course Name: Photography 1

Course Number: 6042

Level: CP

Department: Fine Arts


Course Description

            Prerequisite: None

            Open to: Fresh, Soph, Jr, Sr

            Length: 1 Year

            Credit: 1



Photo I focuses on both the visual and technical aspects of image making. Students will become well versed in the knowledge of fine art as they develop their own individual aesthetic and eye for composition, and master the ability to visually communicate with a viewer of group of viewers. They will learn and use new vocabulary related directly to the world of art. Students will learn about and develop an appreciation for different artistic styles by regularly presenting their work to classmates through critiques.


Course Goals:

Students will become acquainted with the operations and manipulations of a 35 mm camera. They will be introduced to basic techniques of processing and printing 35 mm black and white film. Students will learn how to operate a digital camera. In addition to this, students will be introduced to basic computer manipulations of photos using Photoshop CS5.5. History of Photography will also be addressed in this course.


Textbooks and Materials:


The Handbook of Photography by James A. Folts


Course Content:

Students will become acquainted with the operations and manipulations of a 35 mm camera. They will be introduced to basic techniques of processing and printing 35 mm black and white film.  Students will learn to operate a digital camera. In addition to this, students will be introduced to basic computer manipulations of photos using Photoshop CS5.5. History of Photography will also be addressed in this course.


Semester Grading Policy:

Each quarter counts as 2/5 of the semester grade; the final counts for 1/5. All students will take all final exams regardless of quarter grades.

100 - 90 %       A

 89  - 80 %       B

 79  - 70 %       C                                  

 69  - 60 %       D

 59  -   0 %       F


Scope & Sequence: Refer to the individual instructor for a week-by-week breakdown of standards alignment, instructional content and major assessments.


The following supplies are required for this course. Students will receive 20 points for having all supplies on time. Please label all supplies with student’s name.

·         Digital Camera (must have a memory card*) *Note to parents: Make sure your student labels their memory card with their name using permanent marker. The cards are frequently forgotten in the classroom.

  • 3 ring binder – ½”
  • 1 folder that is three hole punched
  • notebook
  • 4 or 8 GB Jump Drive for work storage
  • 1 – 18 ounce Quaker Oats box for pinhole camera – MUST be the 18 oz. Quaker Oats box.

·         1 old hand towel (not required, but will be helpful to student)

The following supplies MUST be purchased at the campus store.

  • 1 Box B&W Photo Paper –MUST be purchased at Campus Store. Printer paper will not work!
  • 2 Rolls of 35 m FilmMUST be purchased at Campus Store. C41 Process film will not work with the chemicals in the HF processing room and will result in a reduction of points.

Extra Credit-

·         Students can bring up to 2 boxes of tissue a semester for 5 points each.

Lockers & Computer usage

Each will be assigned a locker and a locker partner. Students may keep photo paper, camera and any other darkroom supplies in these lockers. For this reason, students should not share their locker combination with anyone. If it is found that a student has shared their combination information with anyone other than their locker partner, they will have G5 locker privileges taken away. Also, keep in mind that there is limited space in these lockers.  It is necessary to keep belongings limited to Photography supplies only.

The photo room has a self contained computer lab. These computers are for work assigned in Photography only. If a student is working on assignments from other classes, playing games or using the internet for anything other than assigned work, they will have computer privileges suspended, receive an hour long detention and be referred to the Dean or other necessary authority, depending on the severity of the action.

Darkroom Rules

The darkroom can be dangerous if students do not follow rules. Because it is a dim environment, any kind running, jumping, throwing or any other activities that may be seen as rough are prohibited. Students are required to use the enlarger they are assigned to. Each will be assigned an enlarger the first week of school. When students get set up at their enlarger they must check that all equipment is present (1 contact printer, 1 easel, 1 grain magnifier, 1 negative carrier.

Likewise, students should be sure equipment is neatly returned to the proper place at the enlarger station after they have finished working at the end of each period. It is important that each student clean up after themselves.

When developing prints, student MUST use the tongs that are labeled with the correct chemical. Student should not put their hands in the chemicals. Student will be required to wash their hands with soap and water after they have been developing prints.

Students should stay in the darkroom until the entire photo printing process is complete. They should note the time before they start a new print. Prints left in the chemicals/ dryer or in the darkroom will be discarded. Likewise, any test strips or negatives will also be discarded if left in the darkroom or in G5.

After school lab

This class will require time outside of class. There will be a weekly after school lab every Thursday, unless students are otherwise notified during class.  These labs operate on a first come, first serve basis. Students must sign up for the enlargers upon entering G5 after school. Students must bring photography work with them. Friends of students are not allowed to attend after school lab. The same darkroom rules apply to after school lab.






I have read this entire syllabus and fully understand what is expected from me in terms of behavior, work ethic, organization and responsibility and agree to follow the directives and rules stated in this document. Sign and have your parent/ Guardian Sign. Detach this slip from your syllabus and return to Mrs. Wilk for 5 points.


Name:__________________________________     Period: _____________

Student Signature: _____________________________________________

Parent Signature:  _____________________________________________

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